Thai Sugar Premiums Seen Dropping as Brazil Fire Concern Eases

November 05, 2013 at 9:58 AM

Buyers of sugar from Thailand, the world’s second-biggest exporter, are paying a lower premium amid reduced concern that a port fire in Brazil will curb supply, according to Green Pool Commodity Specialists Pty.

Thai raw sugar for shipment from March to May was at a premium of 0.65 cent to 0.8 cent a pound to the price on ICE Futures U.S. in New York, the researcher said in a report e-mailed today. That compares with 0.85 cent a week earlier, according to an Oct. 28 report. Thai sugar for the Japanese market for the same period was at a premium of 0.75 cent to 1 cent, down from 1.2 cents a week earlier.

Raw-sugar futures touched 20.16 cents a pound on Oct. 18, the highest in almost a year, when a fire broke out at Santos, the biggest port in the leading global sugar producer. Prices have since eased as traders judge that accelerating exports from India, the second-ranking producer, and declining Chinese buying will more than compensate for the shortfall in Brazil.

“Thai sugar did get an initial boost from the terminal fire problem, since traders needed to cover short positions on physicals,” or close out bets on lower prices, Tom McNeill, a director at Brisbane, Australia-based Green Pool, said by e-mail today. “That action seems to have abated, and physicals have dropped back a little.”

The fire damaged six warehouses owned by Copersucar SA, Brazil’s largest sugar and ethanol-exporting company, and destroyed 180,000 metric tons of raw sweetener. Chinese imports will drop by 1 million tons to 2.8 million tons in the 2013-14 season, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service estimates. Indian exports will jump to 2 million tons in the period from 600,000 tons, it says.

For prompt shipment, the Thai raw-sugar premium was unchanged at 0.65 cent a pound, data from Green Pool showed. Sweetener for Japan for immediate loading was at a premium of 0.65 cent to 0.7 cent, compared with 0.7 cent a week earlier.

Raw sugar for delivery in March rose 0.1 percent to 18.26 cents a pound by 11:55 a.m. in New York.
